Why Doesn’t My Botox Last That Long?

Why doesn't my Botox last that long?

Nothing lasts forever, and that includes ‘tox injections. But after the first time getting Botox, it should keep fine lines and wrinkles at bay for three to four months or longer. So why doesn’t my Botox last that long? Here’s what you need to know about the longevity of Botox and how to enjoy your results for longer.

Why Doesn’t My Botox Last That Long? What Factors Cause It to Wear Off Faster?

After it’s injected, the body naturally begins to process and break down Botox, but different factors can cause it to do so more quickly.

People with faster metabolisms may see their results begin to fade faster, as the ingredients are broken down at a faster rate.

Physical activity level also affects the longevity of Botox. Facial expressions made during exercise could cause unintentional muscle contractions, which causes Botox to wear off faster.

Other factors that affect the longevity of your results include:

●      Severity of wrinkles before treatment

●      Treatment area

●      Number of Botox units used

●      Skill of your injector

●      How often you get injections

Make Botox Last Longer With Simple, Fool-Proof Tips

With these tips and tricks, you can look and feel confident and youthful for as long as possible between appointments.

●      Follow all post-treatment instructions given to you by your provider.

●      Be gentle with the treated area.

●      Take a daily zinc supplement.

●      Limit UV exposure.

●      Sleep on your back instead of on facial areas that have been injected.

●      Schedule routine maintenance injections.

Come to Rejuvenate Wellness MedSpa for Outstanding Botox Results

Now that you know the answer to your question, “Why doesn’t my Botox last that long,” and tricks you can do to extend the longevity of your results, get started on your customized treatment plan!

Our team at Rejuvenate Wellness Medspa is here to help you turn back the hands of time, so call our office at 443-545-7882 to schedule a consultation now!