Wondering How to Make Botox Last Longer in Ellicott City, Maryland? Read THIS

Botox is an investment, that’s no secret.

While it’s a lot more affordable than many other facial rejuvenation options, it’s good to know how to make Botox last longer in Ellicott City, Maryland to help save a little dough.

What are the tips and tricks recommended by the pros? Keep reading to find out the simple ways to extend your new look after Botox!

Don’t Receive Botox Too Often

You may think that the more often you get Botox, the longer it will last. The truth is that it’s the opposite. Receiving Botox too frequently can cause your body to build up antibodies against the toxin, diminishing its efficacy and longevity. Stay on track of your appointments, but don’t overdo it.

Consider the Ingredients in Your Skincare

An easy step to take when wondering how to make Botox last longer in Ellicott City, Maryland is to use high-quality skincare with ingredients like peptides, retinol, hyaluronic acid, and antioxidants. Simply taking good care of your skin can really make a huge difference.

Stay Out of That Sun (and Tanning Beds)

Sun damage accelerates the aging process of your skin and can even trigger an inflammatory response, which can break down the botulinum toxin faster than normal.

Manage and Banish Stress

It’s nearly impossible to live a stress-free life, but it’s important to get as close to it as you personally can because stress affects the skin. Much like the sun, stress can release powerful hormones that speed up aging, and it can elicit an inflammatory response in your body that breaks down the injected toxin faster.

Want to Learn More on How to Make Botox Last Longer in Ellicott City, Maryland? We Can Help!

Rejuvenate Wellness Medspa is home to all of the top age rewind treatments, including cosmetic injections such as Botox. Book your Botox today by calling 443-545-7882 to learn more!